Disabilities, Mattering, and Sharegiving
Isaac Prilleltensky Isaac Prilleltensky

Disabilities, Mattering, and Sharegiving

We wrote “How People Matter” because, as psychologists, we believed it was an important but largely neglected topic. Ora, who lives with FSH, a form of muscular dystrophy, brought a unique perspective to the topic.

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How To Be An Asset Seeker
Isaac Prilleltensky Isaac Prilleltensky

How To Be An Asset Seeker

If you work with groups or communities, you should embrace the role of asset seeker. As an asset seeker, we look for sources of resilience, strength, and ingenuity in the people we work with.

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With the best of intentions….
Isaac Prilleltensky Isaac Prilleltensky

With the best of intentions….

The death of my parents in a car accident when I was eight-years old had become, in people’s eyes, a deficit in my life. Instead of focusing on my strengths, many acquaintances, teachers, and relatives used to focus on my “tragedy.” Pity was not exactly what I needed, but nobody had the psychological insight to make feel valued and help me add value

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Support for Body and Soul
Isaac Prilleltensky Isaac Prilleltensky

Support for Body and Soul

We need to make others feel valued all the time, and not only when their body or soul are compromised.

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Isaac Prilleltensky Isaac Prilleltensky


The reason I move continents every few years is to get rid of junk in our house.

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